International cooperation | RSE CEC "Informational and analytical center of environment protection"

International cooperation


8The interstate Commission on the Sustainable development of MFSA is created according to the article 2 “Agreements on Joint Actions on the Solution of Problems of the Aral Sea and Priaralya, to Ecological Improvement and Ensuring Social and Economic Development of the Aral Region”, signed by Heads of states of Central Asia in the city of Kzyl-Orda on March 26, 1993.

In the activity the Interstate commission on a sustainable development is guided by the made decisions of heads of states of Central Asia. The general management is provided with Board of MFSA.

Ideas on consolidation of efforts of the Central Asian states in the field of environmental protection and a sustainable development were repeatedly represented by the countries of the subregion at the political level (The Almaty declaration of 1997 of Presidents of the states of Central Asia, the Tashkent declaration of 1998 according to the special program of the UN for the Central Asian states, the Dushanbe declaration of 2002, the Decision of Heads of states of the Central Asian of Almaty, 2009)

The main mission of MKUR of the Central Asia is coordination and management of regional cooperation in environmental protection and a sustainable development of the countries of Central Asia, development of regional strategy, programs, projects, plans of action in the field of environmental protection and a sustainable development both assistance to interstate exchange of experience and information.

Main objective of activity of MKUR СA is implementation of the Regional plan of action of environmental protection of TsA (RPDOOS). For strengthening of potential the mechanism of management and introduction of this plan is developed for decision-making on realization of RPDOOS, the purposes of strengthening of a political and institutional basis for regional cooperation, potential for decision-making, participation of civil society and mobilization of resources and realization are certain. Except that MKUR CA defines priority global and regional issues of coordination with other programs for CA, providing a stable relation with the international organizations and NGO.

For development of these priorities by experts of country offices of Research Center Estimated research on preparation of recommendations about strengthening of institutional and legal base of regional cooperation in environmental protection within the mandate of MKUR MFSA, taking into account development of interaction with civil society was developed.

Activity of Kazakhstan within MKUR СA is coordinated by the Member of MKUR Minister, the structure of members of MKUR СA can include representatives of the Ministry of Economics and budget planning or the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Support on introduction of the Regional plan of action of environmental protection in the republic is carried out by Department of the international ecological agreements, the responsible official — isn’t defined.

Expert and scientific and technical support of MKUR СA is given by the Kazakhstan office of Research Center MKUR which functions on the basis of RSE “Information and Analysis Center of Environmental Protection”. Research Center MKUR of Kazakhstan is also the partner of UNEP as the UNEP Regional resource center of the Pacific Rim, provides information for the Center of ecological knowledge (eKH) of UNEP (, and provides preparation, the publication and distribution of materials on an ecological portal of Central Asia (

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Tel: +7(7172) 24-82-49
