Фариза Налекова | RSE CEC "Informational and analytical center of environment protection"

Пенсионер из Жамбылской области возрождает кролиководство

Источник: www.24.kz

В Жамбылской области пенсионер Шакен Жапаралиев возрождает кролиководство. Такая отрасль животноводства для жителей села Кумарык Турар Рыскуловского района стала в диковинку.

Сейчас мужчина содержит 200 кроликов породы «фландр» и «великан». В этом году он планирует довести их количество до тысячи.

По словам аксакала, кроличье мясо пользуется большим спросом. Недавно пенсионер заключил договор с ресторанами Астаны и Алматы на поставку мяса. В будущем Шакен Жапаралиев намерен увеличить число кроликов до 5 тысяч особей.

Шакен Жапаралиев, житель села Кумарык:

– В октябре или ноябре планирую поехать в Китай. Там хочу освоить технологию обработки кроличьих шкур и закупить всё необходимое.

Пресс-релиз о проведенном семинаре с 15-17 августа на тему «Экологическое нормирование и проектирование в сфере природопользования и охраны окружающей среды»

РГП на ПХВ «Информационно-аналитический центр охраны окружающей среды» МЭ РК в период с 15 по 17 августа 2018 года в г.Астана был проведен обучающий семинар для специалистов в области охраны окружающей среды и природопользования на тему «Экологическое нормирование и проектирование в сфере природопользования и охраны окружающей среды»

Участниками семинара были представители: АО «Алматинские электрические станции»; ТОО «Проектный институт «OPTIMUM»; ТОО «Асфальтобетон 1»; ТОО «СП «КазГерМунай»; Группа Управления проектами Комитета науки МОН РК ; ГУ «Управление природных ресурсов и регулирования природопользования Мангистауской области»; ИП «Чабан В.В.»; Учреждение НПО «Экосфера»».

На семинаре рассматривались следующие вопросы:

  • Разрешения на эмиссии в окружающую среду;
  • Экологическое регулирование;
  • Внедрение Регистра выбросов и переноса загрязнителей в Казахстане;
  • Хозяйствующая деятельность в сфере отходов ;
  • Ведение Государственного кадастра отходов производства и потребления;
  • Предоставление экологической информации;
  • Особенности проведения ОВОС. Наличие ПЭК, ПУО, ППМ в проектах; Стратегическая экологическая оценка;
  • Проводимая работа по обращению с твердыми бытовыми отходами;
  • Порядок получения лицензии на осуществление работ по природоохранному нормированию и проектированию.

Лекции читали:

Каратаева Динара Ахметовна – Главный эксперт КЭРК МЭ РК

Досмакова Бизара ЖакиевнаИ.о.директора Департамента управления отходами МЭ РК;

Садвокасова Алия Малаевна – Руководитель управления ДГФЭИ РГП на ПХВ «ИАЦ ООС» МЭ РК;

Балабаева Алтын Ибрагимовна – Директор Департамента ГФЭИ РГП на ПХВ «ИАЦ ООС» МЭ РК

Ингербаева Жанат Умбетовна – Главный эксперт КЭРК МЭ РК;

Абдрахманова Жанара Беркутовна – Главный эксперт МЭ РК;

Букенова Саида Бекбулатовна – Руководитель управления кадастра отходов Департамента информационных технологий РГП на ПХВ «ИАЦ ООС» МЭ РК;

Кондратенко Михаил Геннадьевич –Директор Департамента информационных технологий РГП на ПХВ «ИАЦ ООС» МЭ РК.

По окончании семинара слушателям вручены свидетельства.

Issues on implementation the register of emissions and transfer of pollutants in Kazakhstan


Issues on implementation the register of emissions and transfer of pollutants in Kazakhstan, assessment methods of mercury and resistant organic emissions have discussed in Astana within a seminar “Pollutants and mercury emissions to the environment: definition methods, inventory and adding in State register of emissions and transfer of pollutants of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The seminar has taken place on April 11, 2018 in Astana in «Grand Park Esil» hotel.  

Seminar was organized by Information and analysis center of environmental protection, Program of development of the UN in Kazakhstan and Center “Assistance to Sustainable Development” with assistance of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 2017 industrial enterprises of category I have to provide reports on pollutants emissions for adding in the register of emissions and transfer of pollutants (PRTR) available to wide public. The list of substances which are subject to the report includes 86 substances including resistant organic pollutants, mercury and other dangerous chemicals. 

The seminar was held for increasing of interested parties capacity regarding the Pollutants report, PRTR implementation in Kazakhstan and also pilot testing of portal for online emissions reporting.

60 people have participated in the seminar including representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Administration of natural resources and regulation of natural recourse users, Department of ecology, Department of public health, mining, power, oil processing, metallurgical, chemical enterprises and SPA from Astana, Akmola, Karaganda, East Kazakhstan, Kostanay and Almaty regions.

Within session on State register of emissions and transfer of pollutants maintaining in Kazakhstan it was considered requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan legislation for maintaining of State register of emissions and transfer of pollutants in the Republic of Kazakhstan, also the current situation on ratification of PRTR Protocol in Kazakhstan. National manuals projects by assessment methods of emissions for key and priority sectors have been submitted to participants.

During software session for providing the report in State PRTR, participants work with portal developed by RSE on PVC “Information analitycal center” which makes automatic process of PRTR maintaining. Architecture of created portal assumes three basic elements: application server as the main kernel, database server as the main data storage, private office as an instrument of users interaction with PRTR portal. Participants have taken part in portal testing, could enter data in a pilot mode and also have developed a number of recommendations about system improvement of online reporting.

During emission assessment sessions of mercury and other heavy metals to the environment and emissions assessment of resistant organic pollutants to the environment, participants have considered international techniques of emissions assessment developed by UNEP and EMEP.

Suggestion and recommendations which were announced within the seminar will be considered during PRTR implementation in Kazakhstan and improvement of methodical providing in the field of emissions assessment.  

International experience and current Kazakhstan practice of implementing the pollutant release and transfer register


The seminar “International experience and current Kazakhstan practice of implementing the pollutant release and transfer register” was held on November 2, 2017 in Pavlodar.

The organizer was the Center “Cooperation for Sustainable Development”. The seminar was held within the framework of the joint project of the “Information and Analytical Center for Environmental Protection” RSE and the UNITAR “Global PRTR Implementation Project as a Tool for Reporting POPs, Dissemination and Raising Awareness for Kazakhstan”.

At the seminar 45 people have participated. Including representatives of the Department of Public Health Protection, the Department of Ecology, the Department of Statistics, the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management and other government agencies in the Pavlodar region, as well as mining, energy, oil refining, metallurgical and chemical industries, environmental design organizations and laboratories, Aarhus Center of Pavlodar and non-governmental organizations.

The main task of the seminar was to increase the potential capacity of specialists on the PRTR issue and formulate proposals for the development of methodological support for the introduction of PRTR in Kazakhstan.

Main provisions of the PRTR Protocol and international experience of its implementation, review of the PRTR introduction in Kazakhstan, current situation in the assessment of emissions and transfer of pollutants into the air, sewage, soil (from production and consumption wastes) were considered at the seminar.

The seminar participants took an active part in the discussion of the lists of pollutants for reporting on emissions into air, water and soil.

The seminar provided an opportunity to increase the potential capacity of specialists on the PRTR issue, to share experience and to formulate the most acceptable proposals for the development of methodological support for PRTR implementation in Kazakhstan.






Topical issues of introduction of the pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) in Kazakhstan were discussed in Astana. The seminar “International experience and current Kazakhstan practice of implementing the pollutant release and transfer register” was held on October 30, 2017.

At present, works on ratifying the PRTR Protocol to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters is carried out in Kazakhstan. The Environmental Code has been amended to introduce a State PRTR (Article 160).

The seminar was held within the framework of the Project “Information and Analytical Center for Environmental Protection” RSE and UNITAR “Global PRTR Implementation Project as a Tool for POPs Reporting, Dissemination and Raising Awareness for Kazakhstan” and with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Astana. The organizer was the Center “Cooperation for Sustainable Development”.

More than 70 people took part in the seminar. Among the participants of the seminar were representatives of state bodies: the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Information, the Department of Waste Management, the Department for Climate Change, the Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Ecology of the Karaganda Region, the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, IAC EP RSE on CEC of the Ministry of Energy of the RK, “Kazhydromet” RSE, “Zhasyl Damu” JSC. Industrial enterprises took an active part in the seminar: Samruk-Energo JSC, NC KazMunayGas JSC, JSC ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, KPO B.V., ATYRAU REFINERY LLP and other enterprises of mining, energy, oil refining, metallurgy, and chemical industries. The non-governmental sector was represented by regional Aarhus Centers and other NGOs.

The main goal of the seminar was to increase the potential capacity of specialists on the PRTR issue and formulate proposals for developing methodological support for PRTR implementation in Kazakhstan.

Participants are presented with the main provisions of the PRTR Protocol, an overview of the implementation of the PRTR in Kazakhstan, the National Proposals of the Republic of Kazakhstan on PRTRs, and the current requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on providing information for public PRTRs.

The seminar was attended by the international expert – the head of the “Citizens Support Center”, the coordinator of the projects of the NGO Arnika (Czech Republic) Martin Skalsky. He answered to the questions of state bodies, industrial enterprises and NGOs on international experience and best practices for implementing the PRTR Protocol.

The listeners considered the current situation on the estimation of emissions and transfer of pollutants into the air, sewage, soil (from production and consumption wastes). During the discussion, the participants analyzed the list of pollutants for PRTR reporting.

Within the framework of the discussions the participants spoke on the main important aspects of PRTR implementation in Kazakhstan. Industrial enterprises are concerned about the introduction of additional forms of PRTR reporting, nongovernmental organizations – the availability of PRTR data and the possibility of their use.

All proposals made during the seminar will be reflected in the Workshop Protocol and will be used in the future when implementing the Project and implementing PRTRs in Kazakhstan.

Download report “Международный опыт и текущая казахстанская практика осуществления регистра выбросов и переноса загрязнителей” (Мустафина)

Download report “История создания и основные положения Протокола РВПЗ” (Анисимова)

Download report “Внедрение РВПЗ в Республике Казахстан Национальные предложения Республики Казахстан по РВПЗ” (Балабаева)

Download report “Программное обеспечение по предоставлению онлайн-отчетности в рамках РВПЗ” (Кондратенко)

Download report “Требования законодательства Республики Казахстан по предоставлению информации для государственного регистра выбросов и переноса загрязнителей” (Анисимова)

Download report “Текущая ситуация по оценке выбросов и переноса загрязняющих веществ в атмосферный воздух в Казахстане” (Анисимова)

Download report “Текущая ситуация по оценке переноса загрязнителей в сточные воды, образующиеся в результате деятельности промышленных предприятий в Казахстане” (Анисимова)

Download report “Текущая ситуация по оценке переноса загрязняющих веществ в почву из отходов производства и потребления” (Уразгалиева)

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Press release following the results of EXPO-2017

Published: www:en.energo.gov.kz

On September 22, 2017 in the press center of the Office of the Prime Minister of RK a press conference on the results of the International specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 with the participation of the Deputy Minister of Energy of the RK Magzum Mirzagaliev was held.

The Ministry of Energy of the RK has selected 28 indigenous developments for the national pavilion Nur-Alem in such areas as renewable energy sources (such scientists as Albert Bolotov, Marat Koshumbayev, Nikolay Buktukov), in the sphere of waste management (such scientists as Alexander Ustimenko, Sergei Trebukhov), energy efficiency (such scientists as Amangeldy Taukenov, Askar Aryngazin, Dias Bayseitov) and others.

To implement the leading foreign technologies presented at EXPO, the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan created an expert working group of more than 40 leading experts of national companies such as KazMunayGas, Kaztransgaz, KEGOC and others, as well as analytical experts in various energy sectors, representatives of the Ministry and subordinate structures.

The expert working group has made a list of 105 technologies from countries such as Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, Finland and others. According to their specifics, these technologies are divided into four areas:

– oil and gas – 27 technologies,

– coal and nuclear industry – 5 technologies,

– electricity, energy saving and RES – 44 technologies,

– ecology, including waste management, water treatment, air quality control – 29 technologies.

At the moment out of 105 technologies, 42 are in detailed development in 9 local companies, 2 universities are working with 14 of them and  2 akimats already works with 12 projects.

The list of technologies with the necessary information is posted on the Ministry’s website (link to the projects: http://energo.gov.kz/index.php?id=7), and was sent to local executive bodies and 170 companies.

Press service of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The round table on the issues of improving of the position of Kazakhstan in the World Bank “Doing Business” rating on the indicator” Connecting to the Power Supply System” was held in Almaty

Source: www.energo.gov.kz

On July 20, in Almaty, Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control Committee of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with “Alatau Zharyk Company” JSC held the round table on the issues of improving of the position of Kazakhstan in the World Bank “Doing Business” rating on the indicator” Connecting to the Power Supply System”, and also on the results of World Bank “Doing Business” subnational rating. The representatives of transmission and energy-supplying organizations of the Kazakhstan regions, local executive bodies of Kostanai, Zhambyl, Atyrau, Mangistau, Almaty, Kyzylorda, West Kazakhstan and North Kazakhstan oblasts, Almaty and Astana cities, as well as electric users of Almaty took part in the round table.

Within the round table, the power network connection procedure, signing of the contract for energy supply, legislation norms of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of electric power industry, aimed at improving the reliability of energy supply were explained, also the suggestions of further optimization of the power network connection process were made.
At the meeting the reports were made by the Chairman of the Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control Committee of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sungat Esimkhanov, the Chairman of the Board of “AZhC” JSC M. Umbetov, the Executive Director of “AlmatyEnergoSbyt” LLP A. Mukazhanov, as well as the representatives of Akimat of Almaty and “Atameken” NCE of Almaty.

According to the rating result, Almaty was noted as the most advantageous city for doing business and entrepreneurial activities. Due to the positive work evaluation of the local government, the round table participants shared the experience, the applying of the best law enforcement practice and achieving of the improvement through implemented measures with the representatives of akimats of 16 country regions, as well as with the transmission and energy-supplying organizations of Kazakhstan.
The topical issues in the sphere of electric power industry were discussed at the meeting, the guests, also, took an active part in the discussions and shared their own experience and practice, which allowed to collect a full picture of the regions development in certain areas.
Today, with modernization in all spheres of life, more attention is paid to consumer’s comfort, time and resources saving for receiving various services. Due to this, projects are being developed to optimize work processes, in particular in the energy sector, which could more easily and quickly respond to the consumers’ incoming requests and establish conditions for them. The development of a competitive business environment will allow the country’s economy to grow and create new opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Press Service of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The seminar was held within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and UNITAR “Global project on PRTR implementation as a tool for reporting POPs, dissemination and raising awareness for Kazakhstan”.

On June 28, 2017 in Astana a seminar “Implementation of the Protocol on the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register in Kazakhstan: current situation and necessary measures for implementation” was held.


The seminar was held within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and UNITAR “Global project on PRTR implementation as a tool for reporting POPs, dissemination and raising awareness for Kazakhstan”.


The seminar was attended by 50 people. Including representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RSE “IAC EP”, RSE “Kazgidromet”, Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other government bodies, the OSCE Center in Astana, industrial and design organizations, Aarhus Centers and non-governmental organizations.

The seminar presented the specifics of PRTR implementation in Kazakhstan, the main facts about the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers. During the discussion, participants assessed the current situation of PRTRs in Kazakhstan. A detailed article-by-article analysis of the requirements of the Protocol on PRTRs made it possible to clarify the existing PRTR mechanisms in Kazakhstan. Based on it, the participants formulated proposals on further measures to develop PRTRs in Kazakhstan. These proposals will be used in the future when developing methodological support for the implementation of PRTRs in Kazakhstan, as well as in the preparation of national proposals for PRTRs.

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Through the questionnaire, participants assessed the knowledge and training needs for PRTR issues. The analysis of the questionnaires made it possible to determine the necessary topics and questions for the training modules planned for development during the project. The project plans to train target groups: government agencies, industrial enterprises, non-governmental organizations and the media. The training seminars will be held in November 2017 and in February-March 2018 in Astana, Pavlodar and Aktobe.

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